Saturday, September 20, 2008

Busy Month

Well, it's been quite sometime since I last updated my blog. I was reminded of that fact this week by one of my dear blog readers ;-) This month has flown by and has been filled with lots of stress and busyness.

After returning back to Kansas City, from being in St. Louis over Labor Day weekend, things got crazy! As many of you already know I have been very short handed at my office. We have been losing people right and left due to pregnancy and relocation. When I left for Labor Day the last of my full time, fully trained staff had left me. I was, to put it midly, freaking out! I was headed to St. Louis thinking that I would come back to an insane month of much overtime and much stress. Well, part of that vision came true...there was stress and there was overtime, but it only lasted a week not a month! I got a call when I got back in town that a new full time person had been hired for me and she turned out to be perfect! She caught on really fast and is on her own now. She is a true blessing of God's provision....I'm not sure I could have handled a month of the stress and craziness.

Aside from work....this month has brought lots of other busyness. I help coordinate the Children's Ministry at my church and this month started the Fall Quarter. Each new quarter brings lots of preperation and planning to get it rolling. I really enjoy this ministry and am continually blessed by the little ones that I get to help grow more Jesus. As our church grows the needs of this ministry change and so it's always interesting to see how things will play out at the start of each quarter.

As all this was going on things at home started to get a little bit rocky. I must admit that when I get highly stressed at work or in other areas of my life I tend to bring that home with me and take it out unduely on my roommates. All the things that used to be just little annoyances or botherings become HUGE in my mind...not good. I came home from work one day frustrated and stressed and the first thing I saw was a dirty kitchen and a full trash can. I about blew my cap...but by God's grace I didn't open my mouth and later asked the girls if we could meet to discuss some issues. I've learned in my life that I can't always deal with stuff right away because my temper can cause me to say things I will later regret. So we talked the next night and made up a plan so that all of us are helping with housework and chores and I'm not doing it all. That was a huge load off. I was feeling overwhelmed trying to keep my office running, keep up with Children's Ministry, and run my home. Having help at home now has relieved some of the pressure so I can do all things well and not stuggle at all of them.

All of the above events took place in the span of a week and a half. By the end of that second week I was worn out in everyway: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I've learned that God takes care of me and he provided a women's retreat with my church at the Lake of the Ozarks at just the right time. Last weekend me and about 40 other ladies headed to a retreat center at the lake to get away from everyday life and rest and reconnect with God. It was just what I needed! The time away got me focused back on what really matters...God and off of myself.

I came back from that weekend totally refreshed. Things at work at almost back to normal, children's ministry is up and running, and things at home are good. I was able to get away and be refreshed and come back to low stress week praising God for his constant provision.

2 comments: said...

Yikes Hannah, you do have a lot on your plate... I'm glad it its all worked out now. It is funny how when it rains it pours!

Point Man Ministry said...

You remind me of me. However, you seem to handle it better than I do. I just get mad and go out and give someone a ticket or arrest them.
The blessing in all your recent trials is they have forced you to rely on the strength of the Lord rather than on your on.
Keep on leaning on HIM.