Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy Home Again!

So...I've come quite a ways in just a few short days. I obviously, from my last post, was very frustrated about the newest addition to our home...the kitty!! I did some thinking and got over myself and apologized to my roommates for my explosion the other night. This week has been rough and the kitten was the last straw and all my frustrations of work, life, and rommies came out....agh! Thankfully they were so loving and understanding and forgave me and we are all in good graces once again!! As for the kitten, her name is Missy and she will be sticking around for a few more days and then heading onto her new home. She must know that I wasn't her biggest fan at the start cause she has been super well-behaved and cuddly with me. We aren't best friends, but she sure is growing on me.


Point Man Ministry said...

CATS! Yuck!

B-blog said...

I have been praying for you this weekend. I have to say, Missy is adorable. I'm glad you worked things out with your roomies.