Monday, July 7, 2008

A Fabulous 4th

This weekend was great time of relaxation, fun, and food!! I went out to MacPherson, KS on Thursday after work to meet up with my good friend Sara and her husband and adorable baby, Leah. Friday we got up and headed into Salina, also know as S-town! We of course had to do some shopping and hit the mall. Old Navy was having a tremendous sale and so I came home with a few new shirts ;) After our morning of shopping, we loaded up the cars and headed an hour down the road to Cottonwood Falls, KS. Sara's in-laws live in Cottonwood and we had a great time of watching them spoil little Leah and were able to partake of some homemade ice cream.....yummy!!

Friday evening we headed into Peabody, KS to watch the fireworks! It was an awesome display!! I was surprised that such a little town could put on such an amazing show!Friday night we all stayed out at Sara's parents house. They live way out in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas on a huge ranch. It is the most beautiful place in Kansas I am sure of it! We spent all day being lazy and helping Sandie, Sara's mom, get food ready for our feast at the lake. There is a lake on their land that we went to that evening. We all rode the jet ski and swam! It was so much fun!! I think throughout the course of the weekend I ate my weight in homemade ice cream...not joking! I had a couple bowls each day I was out there...mercy I hope my work clothes still fit this week! All in all it was a wondeful weekend and I was dreading coming back to reality!
Sara, David, and Leah:

Han, Sara, and Leah:

Jet Sking at the Lake:

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow, did you take that picture of the firework exploding?! That's an awesome picture-taking ability miss photographer!

Looks like you had a blast. I'm sorry Monday wasn't so lover-ly.